The Workouts
Week #1 - May 1st: Acclimation + Kick
We’ll focus on getting reacclimated to swimming while drilling your kick. Because face it, your kick is just terrible.
Week #2 - May 8th: Core, Kick + a FEEL for the Water
As we continue kicking, we’ll also start to look at the front of your stroke. Because your stroke got parts, son.
Week #3 - May 15th: Breathing
First, let’s make sure you’re in the right position to grab a good breath. And then when we do that, let’s not let you breathe. <<grimace emoji>>
Week #4 - May 22nd: CSS
In this, our most sacred stepback week, we will do an assessment. Specifically, we will do a CSS assessment. That stands for Critical Swim Speed and it helps us to figure out where you are in your swim journey and helps us to make some race pace predictions as well.
Week #5 - May 29th: Stroke Deconstruction
Today, we’re going to break your stroke down into some essential elements, focusing on your entry, catch, pull and finish. We’ll do some drills to try to perfect these moments, and do some swimming in the middle. You know, swimming.
Week #6 - June 5th: Open Water Swim Drills + Putting it All Together
In the pool at the group swim, we’re going to do something a little bit different, but if you can’t make the group swim, these workouts will serve you well. In fact, if there are any open water swims that you can’t make, but you have pool access, this is the workout you should pull and repeat again and again and again.
The Drills
Drill Set #1 - Bobs
Drill Set #2 - Kick on Back & Side Kick Drill
Drill Set #3 - Vertical Kicks
Drill #4 - “Pool” Ups
Drill #5 - Six Kick Switch
Drill #6 - Sliding Catchup
Drill #7 - Fingertip Drag
Drill #8 - Look/Dig/Drive
Drill #9- Big Dog Paddle
Drill #10 - Tarzan